Wednesday, 26 December 2007

Festive greeting

A (belated -thanks to '£$ck*%?' Virgin Media) Happy Christmas to all Wirral Bonsai members (and anybody else whose reading this rubbish.) & hope you all have a fruitful and prosperous new year.
May your Buds be strong and plentiful.

Thursday, 20 December 2007

But it wasn't my fault........

................the tree jumped out in front of me!!

If the tree isn't quite how you want it,..... blame it on a hit and run (toy) driver-particularly with the present icy conditions!!

(NB. You can even buy the cars!!!!!!)

Wednesday, 19 December 2007

A Festive 'Gathering of the Clan'

Doug's garden in warmer times

For all those bored of Star Wars reruns and trying to entertain the family with charades (does anybody do this anymore?) Doug is apparently hosting a Workshop (come 'Sherry' morning) at his gaff on Saturday the 29th.

Bring a bottle, tree and fur lined coats.
New definition of a workshop-
an excuse for not having to run the gauntlet of

Thursday, 13 December 2007

Being 'sociable' pt1

The crowd gathers in anticipation.....

Bil(lee)y no mates....

.... Feeding time at the soup kitchen.

Being 'sociable' pt2

....'just the one Mrs. Wembley'*

...damn....the wrong raffle prize!!

"let's see what you could have won"


Dave receives his TotM trophy.

Ian encourages people to leave at the end of the night by starting the Karaoke.........(nice shoes BTW, are they Vans????)

I'm sure everybody had a very good night- we know the two Tony's did...(Tony -have you found a home for your new pet rock yet?)


Thanks to Brian for the photos-keep up the good work.

*obscure reference to a 90's comedy starring Dennis Waterman -answers on a postcard.

Tree of the Month- December

This months tree of the month belongs to Dave Yarranton, a relatively new (-ish) member of the society; Congratulations Dave.
Ian chose this Stewartia; describing it as portraying an elegant, feminine image (despite the comment that it could do with a new pot and some detail work. )

Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Christmas Social

Don't forget to bring a tree along tonight-
but don't get confused about what to bring and what to decorate.....

semi 'bauble' style (or is it 'gliterati' ?)

Monday, 10 December 2007

Things you didn't know you didn't know......

Ever had a bonsai related question that you didn't know the answer too?

Well follow the link below for a few more that will add to your lack of knowledge!!!!
One of my favourites is-
Did any student of the art ever deform/mutilate himself to try to better understand a dwarf potted tree's essence?

Tuesday, 4 December 2007

Wax on-Wax off

The following link takes you to the new (ish?) website of the
' Bonsai Master' aka Marco Invernizzi

Quality trees, trick graphics and a quirky sense of humour..........
....what more do you need?

No comments about the size of his shari though.....

PS. The film 'Karate Kid' has a lot to answer for!!
PPS. can you get past the bouncers grimace????

Our friends 'daarn saarf'

Some kind words :

Be careful with these reciprocal links however, you could end up going round in cybercircles (have I just invented a new word?)

Sunday, 2 December 2007

December meeting- Christmas social

Is this what we can expect at this months meeting..!!!!???!!!........

......well, out of three aint bad!

Saturday, 1 December 2007

Bonsai site of the Month-December

"Man has been fascinated by stones throughout history. Stones have been collected and have served many purposes, from utilitarian to decorative. Their stability and enduring qualities are associated with longevity and immortality and have captivated us since time immemorial."

This months 'site' is actually 3 -all involving the art of Suiseki-

-some diverse sites, but all of interest.

Wednesday, 21 November 2007

National Tree Week

Do one thing - plant a tree

The Tree Council’s annual tree planting celebration, National Tree Week (21st November to 3rd December 2007), began in 1975 and has seen over 20 million trees planted since. It’s the ideal opportunity to do one great thing for the environment – plant a tree – and bring about a myriad of benefits, many of which will have long term impact in times of climate uncertainty.

‘The early summer floods that devastated many parts of the UK were a real wake up call to how vulnerable we are to the elements’, said Pauline Buchanan Black, director-general of The Tree Council. ‘But trees provide an effective flood break and improve water absorption, offering an excellent defence we shouldn’t ignore’.

‘Planting trees is great fun too - even on a wet blustery day, the thrill of going out and getting your hands dirty, something many of us don’t do often enough, is really rewarding when you stand back and see the benefits of your hard work.

The Tree Council offers tree planting grants to schools and community groups and the feedback we get from the children and staff involved is always really positive. Whether you are planting one tree or a hundred, believe me, you’ll feel really satisfied at the end of it, especially as you get to see it grow and improve your local landscape’ continues Pauline.

Whilst tree planting is a global issue we should not forget how important trees are to our immediate environment. Recent concerns over the ‘chainsaw massacre’ which has seen many urban trees being cut down but not replaced, means that more than ever, we need to take action to replenish our tree stock and truly benefit from trees.

The Tree Council has been working closely with BBC Breathing Places and the campaign to ‘do one thing’ to improve our environmental health. The Autumnwatch programme, in the run up to National Tree Week, will give encouragement to plant trees and is extremely timely, says Pauline. ‘Trees are of enormous importance to us in so many ways. By making the planting of a tree the one thing you do, you will have made a lasting impact for future generations’.
Words are courtesy of the Tree Council website

Burrs -The 'Wirral' Angle

The lads in action...(while Ian contemplates life,...... pots...... & the width of doors??!!)

Ian & Andy discussing the finer points of......(you add your own ending!)

Ian enjoying a spot of afternoon tea (?) while both ignore Lee's 'beer belly'

Dave, privet, Mr. Pitt and friend (Morea?) (-good selection of pots but what's with the windowsill art????)

Thanks to Les for the pics. Though you will need to get better at focusing your camera next time!!

Sunday, 18 November 2007

Wirral Bonsai -Tree Gallery

As requested (by Andy Hardman) Click the link below or the slideshow picture below the message board for a new addition to the Blog contents- a Gallery of the members trees.

Its obviously just started and only currently includes the trees already featured on the club and my blog. If you would like to include a picture email it to me and I will include it in the gallery of our trees.

Friday, 16 November 2007

Nov prt 2 -Bukex Pine

Terrys pine.... not a true front view.... but better than nowt..

Pre fight nerves...or scared of the paparazzi?

The 'Statler & Waldorf' * of the bonsai world...

(* ....think Sesame Street)

Great,.... fantastic,....not bad,.....mediocre,....rubbish,.......

get off,.....booooooooooooo!

(photos so Les doesnt feel picked on!!)

Thursday, 15 November 2007

November Meeting- The 'Bukex' Pine

........think Pearl & Dean

' touch my coke and your dead.....'


Terry taunts Les about his wiring!

He went that'a way....

Last night saw Terry Foster entertain his audience with a review of his Scots pine that first saw the light of day during a demo at the Bukex exhibition in 2006 (sorry no picture!!!! DOH!!!) Following an introduction Terry started by sitting back down (!) and starting a video of the demo, discussing that he had been persuaded by Tony Tickle to delay working on it for a year. (?)

The quickly improvised 'live' running commentary was interspersed with Q&A's detailing and informing on how & when to do 'things' to your pine. Following a break (when Terry was 'walked through' and asked to comment on a variety of Wirral and Blackpool based trees and yamadori brought to the meeting) the video was concluded and further questions were posed and subsequently answered eloquently by both Terry & Ian.

Thanks to Terry for the visit and to be fair, if it wasn't for the 'pesky' loudspeaker failure you might have got'n away with it*!!

* apologies to Scooby Doo fans!

Thanks to Brian for the (candid) photos!-even if we forgot the pine!!!!

Tree of the Month- November

Well done to Les Storey for this months TotM chosen by Terry Foster. This cute little Yew caught Terry's eye and Les finally gets to take the trophy home!!

Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Tonight's Meeting


A little birdy (Les.....*) tells me Terry Fosters talk tonight is on the styling of a Pine from his collection and it will include pictures highlighting its early development. (* you've never been called that before!!!!)

Looking forward to it.
(particularly as I feel like I missed out on the Burrs fun.)

Plus let's give a warm welcome to our friends that will be visiting from 'over the border',...... though pity its not a Friday!!
(Rumour has it that when standing on the walls of Chester on a Friday its still legal to shoot at a Welshman with a bow and arrow!!)

Tuesday, 13 November 2007

'Sister' Blog

Below, for your enjoyment & edification is a new fellow bonsai blog site- though I feel it's more of a sister than a blog brother!!

Monday, 12 November 2007

Post Burrs Chat

Follow the link for an outline of the weekend provided by some of the lucky participants.
The trees just get better and better!!

I see Lee's 'beer belly' saw the light of day again!!
Les- what's with the badge- getting forgetful?


Hello and welcome to the Wirral Bonsai Society Blog - an ongoing diary & newsletter highlighting the adventures of the society & its members

Society Diary-We meet at 8pm every 2nd Wednesday of the month at the RAFA club in Oxton (CH43 1UU).

  • 13th January
  • 10th February
  • 14th February Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 28th February Workshop - Gordale
  • 9th March - Monthly meeting - Topic TBC
  • 13th March Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 27th March Workshop - Gordale
  • 13th April - Demonstration - Andy H
  • 17th April Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 24th April Workshop - Gordale
  • 8th May Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 11th May- Monthly meeting - Topic TBC
  • 29th May Workshop - Gordale
  • 4-5th June WBS Flowering Bonsai Show - Port Sunlight GC
  • 8th June - WBS Member trees critique
  • 12th June Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 26th June Workshop - Gordale
  • 10th July Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 13th July- Monthly meeting - Topic TBC
  • 31st July Workshop - Gordale
  • 10th August- WBS Show tree selection
  • 13-14th August - Wirral Flower Show
  • 20th August - Japan Day, Liverpool
  • 27-29th August WBS Annual Show - Gordale
  • 14th September- Monthly meeting - Topic TBC
  • 11th September Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 25th September Workshop - Gordale
  • 9th October Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 12th October- Monthly meeting - Topic TBC
  • 30th October Workshop - Gordale
  • 9th November- Monthly meeting - Topic TBC
  • 13th November Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 26-27th November - Potter Workshop with David Jones (Walsall Studio Ceramics)
  • 27th November Workshop - Gordale
  • 14th December - Club Party


New members are always welcome, just come along to one of our monthly meetings at the RAFA club. You can even 'try us out' for a few months before you decide on joining as an official member. The meetings are informal (there's a bar!) and the club members are (mostly) friendly, approachable and happy to pass on guidance and information to anybody interested in bonsai- whatever your level of experience.