Message from Peter,
Hi Guys,
a bit last minute I know but ............. Les Storey [ cant find his mail address ] spoke to me at Birmingham about this new show Great North Bonsai , and said that the Wirral lads would like to participate , I have meant to get back to folk about this but have had loads of other stuff to do so .........
anyway , if any of you would like to put a tree or trees in the show they would be very welcome , my aim is to bench between 50 to 60 bonsai of a standard that would be in the BoBB or Newstead or Noelanders shows
we have Peter W and John A doing things at the show and will judge it
Ian Stewardson is bringing one or two trees , at the moment otherwise it will be mainly Dave Hannah/Willowbog/ Willowboggers/ various others trees in the show , my problem is not finding that number to go on the benches but clearly it would be good to open to as many as possible whilst retaining the 'Northern' theme
again sorry for being late and I realise that it may be difficult for you guys to be involved , if you could contact the others for me please ???
willowbog is about 50 mins drive from the venue but the bunkhouse is available to keep costs down if needed , trees really need to be benched Friday evening , dates 4th 5th 6th Sept.
let me know please , thanks
PS some info on our web site