Monday, 28 February 2011

New Diary Dates and Guests

Below are 'hot of the press' enhancements to the club diary.
  • Next meetings talk is to be given by John Armitage and not Pete warren as billed. The subject is the same......moving your trees on.

  • May 11th we have Paul Goff giving us a talk on presentation. He will photograph up to 25 club members trees on the night.

  • The Gordale workshop, last sunday in August, we have booked Steve Tolley. He will work with anybody (brave?) who brings a tree along.

Monday, 14 February 2011

February Meeting -Potting techniques- When, Why & How

Tree before...

.... during..

...and after the committee aproach to repotting!

Daye Y opened the meeting and meeting and congratulated Ken
for having his tree selected for Best Of British 2011.

Well lots of activity in the room with Dave Y and Dougie M getting stuck in and getting DIRTY also Senior Members Helping out giving advice and passing on their knowledge and I am sure Mark from GD did a roaring trade.

We have been given the go ahead for workshops at Gordales for the last Sunday in the month but since there is work going on at Gordales during February it may be March before it is all up and running.
So it will be up to all to attend at some point when ever possible to make it a success.

Also With GD (Green Dragon ) holding 2 a month there's plenty of opportunity for both Clubs to improve their knowledge and Trees.

Dave Y did stress that not everyone will be attending each one or able to do so its up to us as individuals to attend when we can and work on our trees and help out others (LIKE ME ) who can't tell the difference from one tree to another. [now, now... Jim don't put yourself down.....theres plenty of other that can do that ;)]

Jim the Lad

(Apologies for the late posting)

Friday, 11 February 2011


As highlighted and extolled by Dave Y, FYI Miracid has now been renamed
"Miracle-Gro azalea,camellia,&rhododendron"
......for some reason.

Friday, 4 February 2011

Blog reference pages

One thing that came up (during a sub committee meeting) was an idea from Dave Y and Andy to set up a sub-section on the blog site whereby people could click onto a heading (say Feeding regime, Pruning etc) and have a document pop up that they can print off with the relevant information, this to save people printing off loads of handoust to give out during there talks. What do you think, is it a possibility?
Regards ..........Dougie

No sooner said........

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Pottery Workshop results

Above are photos of some of the pots made at the Pottery workshop at Vale of Clwyd in which some Wirral members partook.
Dave B

The selection of pots here serve to visually illustrate the phenomenal success of the pottery workshop help recently at Green Dragon Bonsai. The Vale of Clwyd Bonsai Society had organised a workshop at which participants were given the the choice of making either a rectangular pot or a cascade. Despite the fact that many of us had little or no experience of manipulating clay the patience and skill of Dave Jones ensured everyone finished the day with a pot to be proud of.
V.O.C.B.S. are proposing to hold another such event during 2011 and I would encourage anyone interested in having a go at making a bonsai pot to sign up.
A really successful event, Good banter, coupled with precise and humorous direction. Many thanks to Dave Jones and Walsall Ceramics
Dave Y

They all look really good to me.



Hello and welcome to the Wirral Bonsai Society Blog - an ongoing diary & newsletter highlighting the adventures of the society & its members

Society Diary-We meet at 8pm every 2nd Wednesday of the month at the RAFA club in Oxton (CH43 1UU).

  • 13th January
  • 10th February
  • 14th February Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 28th February Workshop - Gordale
  • 9th March - Monthly meeting - Topic TBC
  • 13th March Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 27th March Workshop - Gordale
  • 13th April - Demonstration - Andy H
  • 17th April Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 24th April Workshop - Gordale
  • 8th May Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 11th May- Monthly meeting - Topic TBC
  • 29th May Workshop - Gordale
  • 4-5th June WBS Flowering Bonsai Show - Port Sunlight GC
  • 8th June - WBS Member trees critique
  • 12th June Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 26th June Workshop - Gordale
  • 10th July Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 13th July- Monthly meeting - Topic TBC
  • 31st July Workshop - Gordale
  • 10th August- WBS Show tree selection
  • 13-14th August - Wirral Flower Show
  • 20th August - Japan Day, Liverpool
  • 27-29th August WBS Annual Show - Gordale
  • 14th September- Monthly meeting - Topic TBC
  • 11th September Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 25th September Workshop - Gordale
  • 9th October Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 12th October- Monthly meeting - Topic TBC
  • 30th October Workshop - Gordale
  • 9th November- Monthly meeting - Topic TBC
  • 13th November Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 26-27th November - Potter Workshop with David Jones (Walsall Studio Ceramics)
  • 27th November Workshop - Gordale
  • 14th December - Club Party


New members are always welcome, just come along to one of our monthly meetings at the RAFA club. You can even 'try us out' for a few months before you decide on joining as an official member. The meetings are informal (there's a bar!) and the club members are (mostly) friendly, approachable and happy to pass on guidance and information to anybody interested in bonsai- whatever your level of experience.