Monday, 25 July 2011

July Meeting- Preparing trees for showing

Andy opens the meeting
Al D from VoCBc examines a potentila.....
while Doug's still looking for the money!
comme ci, comme ça !!
Wednesday's get-together was the Penultimate meeting before the W-B-S Annual Show to be held at Gordales Garden Center on the 13th /14th of August 2011 so now the countdown begins with 30 Days to go before the show, how-ever before that, we have the next meeting on the Wednesday 10th August then followed by 2 days (Thursday and Friday) setting up.the display arena so it will be ALL hands to the Pump as a few members would say to make our Annual Club Bonsai Show a Success like it has done in past years and in the Future

Due to Holidays,Family and Work commitments it was Andy H who was the Lord and Master for the Evening with help from Tony, Doug and Sean D to get the session under way During Andy's Speech he echoed the committee's view of trying to have NEW TREES on display this year and Andy has urged members to take full advantage of the Last Sunday of this Month 31st of July's 2011 Workshop at GGC to work on their trees for the Display show Plus asked members to do their best to use the last Sunday of the month Workshop's as there will be NO MORE WORKSHOP Held on our Wednesday night meeting due to the time factor ( just over 2 hours per night) and space to really work on our trees

Andy also mentioned messages were left on the message board it was a request from Natsuki Isa at Wallasey Central Library and was on the message board but in-case anyone has missed them this is was written to the Blog on 7thJuly 2011

There will be an event, Japanese Day, held in Wallasey Central Library on 20th August. That'd be great if you could share your Bonsai works and do some workshop

Please contact me if you are by any chance interested in taking part in the event. By the way, the photos on your website reminds me of my grand mother's in Japan♪ Thanks

(our Blog master Iain Q must be congratulated for the Sterlin work that he does with W-B-S Blogspot so from me keep up the great work " Mentor and Boss" )

Natsuki was sent mail some are waiting to hear what the outcome is
The main topic of the evening was getting trees ready for the show next month and discussing the details about the set-up and dis-mantling of equipment,packing putting everything away and cleaning the area we used. Even though Dave Y was unable to attend (Holidays AGAIN) it was put forward his suggestion that we stick to the same Routine we used last year as everyone who was there knows it worked so well and was so Successful

Just under 25 members attended the meeting and it was great to see 2 new-comers Mr and Mrs H better known as Brian Margaret from the next county (Cheshire). So a very BIG WELCOME to you both and we are ALL here to help and would like you Both take an Active part within our society or just enjoy our company

There was NO Tree Of The Month and the trees that were on display were a few Korean Hornbeans. Potentilla, Japanese Honeysuckle. Pyracantha Tree ( was nicknamed "The Cauliflower Tree" and Sean D brought in some beautiful display tables he brought back for Malaysia recently and an Accent plant

That's it for now take care and look after all your bonsai trees

Jim thelad

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Pat on the back

Hi Jim,
I like the way that you are reporting on the blog, it keeps me in touch with what is going on in the Wirral, keep it up!

best wishes

Here, here.

Bonsai Review 49

Anybody you recognise on the last page?

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Gordale Funday weekend 2011 -Sunday

Doug searching for loose change amongst the branches of a Money tree!
Andy deep in discussion.
is it shock or just the wind blowing the rug off?
Andy, with his favourite kind of audience!!
On the 26th July 2011, W-B-S were invited to attend the 2 day Fun-day at Gordale's Garden Center (GGC) and it was amazing as the GGC was buzzing with many activities for members of the public out to enjoy themselves ,so once again this gave the Society a chance to meet, greet and help many members of the public with anything bonsai.

On Saturday the 9th July 2011 not everyone was able to attend the 2 day event but it was left to Bill G. Doug M (whose wife Christine is a Bonsai widow so i am told ) and of-course our Bonsai Blogspot Master Iain Q, my mentor and advisor for the society site at and I am told that all went well on Saturday.
On Sunday the 10th July See-No Evil,Hear No-Evil and Say No-Evil in the form of Andy H, Doug M and yours truly The Lad had the pleasure of working on some Bonsai Trees such as Cork Bark Elm, Privets, Potential, Cotoneaster, Juniper, Hornbeam, Acer, Maple, Satsuki and a Chamaectparis plus some other trees

The day started well and it was nice to see so many smiling face as members of the public brought in a few trees and a gentleman who we have help in the past few months returned and we hope will prove to be a regular brought in another ones of his trees this time a Money Tree and it was this time it was Doug M who attended to his worries over his Bonsai Tree

During the afternoon, WBS Members Dee and Ron arrived and we were then able to hand out information Leaflets about the Society which came in handy as many leaflets were taken away and hopefully read.

Doug M, who is already well known for being one of the Foremost Craftsmen of Bonsai Tables and Stands to a very extremely high standard and quality of Detail. (More about Doug Craftsmanship can be found on Bonsai Review.48/1) met and chatted with a Mr Simon Wilson who himself is a fellow Wood Carver and Engraver and you never know Mr Wilson may even see the light and become a member of a Bonsai Club or Society.

It was almost 5pm when it was time to go and we all would like to express our biggest thank-you to the young lady in the Plant Department who looked after us all, treated us extremely well and always had a smile for us working so hard to makes us all welcome and want W-B-S to come back again and again to GGC. Also not forgetting Mr and Mrs Nicholson and all the staff at GGC for their support and inviting us into their establishment and long may it continue.

All that is left for me to say is that the W-B-S Workshop will be on the LAST Sunday of Every MONTH at GGC, hopefully we will see you all there so bring any Bonsai Trees that you may need advice on or just pop-in to see what we are all about.

Take Care

Jim thelad Look after each other and your Bonsai Trees

Monday, 11 July 2011

Gordale Funday weekend 2011 -Saturday

Doug and Bill busy tweaking trees and when asked, answering questions from interested punters.
Yours truly's work involved giving this Buxus a short back and sides!
(this is after BTW!)

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Lack of Posts

Sorry for the lack of posts, ive been trying to publish the post below for about a week but there has been 'issues' with blogger that stopped me. Hopefully they have been resolved now.

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Gordale workshop June

the lads busy.........gossiping!!
smell those privet flowers.
Dave explains why he's covering his pot in tape to Jill and Peter. (Im still unclear why he wa sactually doing this??)
it was obviously a daunting job!

A Hot day at Gordale's GC even though it rained for a little but that did not stop Society members enjoying working on various trees including Privets, Larch, Maples, Pines, Potentilla plus other trees. Also helping out a few members of the public with lots of questions about their own trees, but we all feel if they had brought the trees into the workshop it would have been more helpful to them and of course to members trying to give advice without seeing the tree

However on saying that a gentleman did arrive and ask a few questions about the why's and how's about his tree and asked if he could bring it into the workshop. After a little while the gentleman arrived back with his tree and members gave their opinions and advice how the tree should be looked after. Not knowing the make of the tree Andy H suggested it was some Species of Ivy.

During the Day the owners of Gordale's Mr and Mrs Peter and Jill Nicholson chatted with members Mrs Gordale (Jill) was asking Dave Y about his Large Beautiful Bonsai Pot (or as she called it a LARGE TUB so now Dave's pot is Affectionately Known as THE TUB by some members) and why Dave was Masking his pot so Dave explained everything to her. Also they both chatted about their trip to Japan and all the fantastic Bonsai Trees and display's they saw and later Mrs Gordale (Jill) came back to show member images of the Bonsai Trees they had seen.

All in all another great day with lots of banter and laughter with some chips and ice-cream being devoured whilst working on trees and the renaming of a Large Beautiful Pot THE TUB and helping a few members of the public plus Its amazing what a bit of sunshine does for everyone it was good to see people smiling.

W-B-S has also been invited to the Funday Week-end at GGC on the
Saturday the 9th and Sunday the 10th of July from 9am till 6pm.
So any members who can make it would i am sure have a great time if just for a few hours bring along your trees and work on them in nice pleasant company and i am sure you would enjoy the chips and ice-cream as well

A BIG thank you to all the staff at GGC and to Mr and Mrs Peter and Jill Nicholson for all their Hospitality and taking time to chat with members of our society

Take care and look after each other

Jim thelad


Hello and welcome to the Wirral Bonsai Society Blog - an ongoing diary & newsletter highlighting the adventures of the society & its members

Society Diary-We meet at 8pm every 2nd Wednesday of the month at the RAFA club in Oxton (CH43 1UU).

  • 13th January
  • 10th February
  • 14th February Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 28th February Workshop - Gordale
  • 9th March - Monthly meeting - Topic TBC
  • 13th March Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 27th March Workshop - Gordale
  • 13th April - Demonstration - Andy H
  • 17th April Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 24th April Workshop - Gordale
  • 8th May Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 11th May- Monthly meeting - Topic TBC
  • 29th May Workshop - Gordale
  • 4-5th June WBS Flowering Bonsai Show - Port Sunlight GC
  • 8th June - WBS Member trees critique
  • 12th June Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 26th June Workshop - Gordale
  • 10th July Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 13th July- Monthly meeting - Topic TBC
  • 31st July Workshop - Gordale
  • 10th August- WBS Show tree selection
  • 13-14th August - Wirral Flower Show
  • 20th August - Japan Day, Liverpool
  • 27-29th August WBS Annual Show - Gordale
  • 14th September- Monthly meeting - Topic TBC
  • 11th September Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 25th September Workshop - Gordale
  • 9th October Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 12th October- Monthly meeting - Topic TBC
  • 30th October Workshop - Gordale
  • 9th November- Monthly meeting - Topic TBC
  • 13th November Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 26-27th November - Potter Workshop with David Jones (Walsall Studio Ceramics)
  • 27th November Workshop - Gordale
  • 14th December - Club Party


New members are always welcome, just come along to one of our monthly meetings at the RAFA club. You can even 'try us out' for a few months before you decide on joining as an official member. The meetings are informal (there's a bar!) and the club members are (mostly) friendly, approachable and happy to pass on guidance and information to anybody interested in bonsai- whatever your level of experience.