Thursday, 17 May 2012

May Workshop

Hi Everyone

On the 29th Of April W-B-S 2012 held it’s Last Sunday of the Month Workshop at the One and Only Gordales Garden Center Britain's Best Garden Retailer, Independent Retail Outlet of the Year and Garden Centre of the Year!here in the Wirral and what a day it was as the Rain seem to stay on forever but it did NOT stop some of the Bonsai Diehards from attending the workshop to work on their own trees along with assisting any members of the public with questions and answers to any of the problems they had with their own or bought Bonsai Trees

On call were Dave,Tom,Bill T,Andy,Doug,Bill G,Sean,Brian and Ian along with the Bonsai Trees to be worked on we had a Large Olive Tree,Twin Large, Deshojo Maple,Two Potentilla,Korean Hornbeam,Pieris Forest Flame,Yew ,Spruce and Two Privets’

It was a quiet day but we did have our regular couple who brought in images of their Bonsai Tree to seek advice on so Doug, Andy, Ian, were available to assist them another couple brought a Chinese Elm to the workshop table and Ian worked on the Elm for them and they both were grateful and pleased with the result Dave, Sean, Bill T, Bill G and Tom help many members of the public with any question and some who just stop to say Hello and a chat

Later in the afternoon we had a nice visit from Former Newsletter Editor of the Japan Society North West, A sweet charming young Lady Yuko Howes, who recorded some footage for her new blog, Japan Outpost ( In this blog, she reports various Japanese culture-related activities by British people in and around Greater Manchester.

It was a pleasant day and we all enjoyed each other’s company with Sean stealing the limelight with HIS TRUE STORY of an Escaped Stag explaining that on Friday 27thApril at 07:am Sean and Paddy had the First sighting then later in the afternoon at 3:30 pm another sighting with Paddy in pursuit at a Place in Huyton (The exact location is being withheld to prevent poachers) Police, Motorway Police and Knowsley Safari Park Rangers where monitoring the situation as the animal may have escaped from the park!!!!!!!

But a Spokesperson has reported that “PADDY has refused to talk or say anything

Once again we all like to Thank Mr and Mrs Nicholson and all the Staff and the Award Winning Garden Centre for supporting W-B-S Sunday Workshop

Sorry to say there will be No Sunday Workshop on the Last Sunday 27th MayMore images of the Sunday Workshop can be found @

Many thanks for reading our Blog and we welcome any comments from you

Take care look after each other and all your Bonsai Trees

Jim thelad

 Interesting approach to tree styling

 Ian's eye sight isn't what it used to be......... a bit more to the right, Ian

 A puzzled look.......what do you do with these??

 An unusual position,.... for the tree and Ian!

A good array of trees (and an odd array of people)

May Meeting -Bonsai Pest and Diseases

 A happy bunch
 thats one really tall bug!

 part of the slide show

 and a really long one!

Is that an aphid or mite?

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to our Monthly Meeting that was on the 9th of May In the absence of Ian W and Arthur R because of work commitments Bill G opened the evenings session.however before things got under way Bill asked members if they would like to make an offer for some Bonsai Trees that a Member of the The Royal Air Forces Association and Roundell Club had passed onto the RAFA Club in a bid to raise money for a worthwhile cause. Bill also mentioned the forthcoming Event The 3rd Welsh National Bonsai Show this August at Newport Gwen and now is the time to looking for selected items and preparing them.Bill then introduced Mr Richard Lewis who was our Guest Speaker on the evenings Topic of

Bonsai Pest and Diseases

It was a very extremely valuable and informative for the Two Dozen who were in the room and they seemed captivated by what Mr Lewis had to say and show via a slideshow presentation and explanations

The Variety of Topics That He Covered Were,

Problems such as Pests, Diseases, Disorders.

Control Methods (A) Chemical,(B) Biologial), (C)Organic.

Pests Why and How's.

Theory of Trophobiosis.

Aphids including the Aphids Life Cycle,


Red Mite Spider and RSM Life CycleSpingtails.

Whitefly.Mr Lewis brought in a few of his own Bonsai Trees for members to inspect for Little Beasty using a Magnifying Glass as it's extremely difficult to see them if they are not moving .At Break Some members ventured outside to go and check out the Bonsai Trees and so far as I know at least one has been snapped up by Stan so here's hoping other members may follow suit and purchase some of the Bonsai TreesThe evening went extremely well and the time seemed to fly past with members having a Q and A with our Guest speaker and the end of his presentation then all members thanked Mr Lewis for such an inspiring,well presented and knowledgeable evening.
Mr. Richard Lewis
is the Program Leader for the FdScs (Foundation Degree in Science) in Horticulture. Trained at the Distinguished Writtle College, with more than Twenty years of experience, Teaching horticulture at all levels, Also Consultancy work and lecturing regularly in Uganda to villagers in Horticultural Techniques and the sustainable use of water.His research interests include the development of sustainable organic horticultural production in Third World Countries and the relationship between the environment and the control of pests and diseases in organic production.
This and more information about Mr Richard Lewis can be found at
Glyndŵr University, Wrexham, UK - Staff profiles. ... Richard Lewis
We had a excellent turn-out with almost Two Dozen including Two new Faces,Mike whom we know from the Sunday Workshops a big welcome to him and trust he will take an Active part in our Society and the other gentleman I believe from a Reliable Sources, he is a

Shaddy individual named Chris R. - Show Manager and a committee member of the National Bonsai Society Steve H and Sean D invited Chris to the meeting and we ALL hope he will be joining W-B-S

As already been pointed out by our Webmaster Iain Q THERE IS NO LAST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH WORKSHOP ON THE 27th of MAY

Looking ahead our Friends and Neighbours At The V-O-C-B-S
ARE putting on a display at Woodfest on 2nd/3rdand 4th June

Its near Bodelwyddan just off the A55, the signs will be out on the day

So all that is left for me to say is Thanks for reading our W-B-S Blog and we Welcome any Comments that you may have to do with Bonsai Related Subjects

Take care look after each other and all your Bonsai Trees

Jim thelad


Hello and welcome to the Wirral Bonsai Society Blog - an ongoing diary & newsletter highlighting the adventures of the society & its members

Society Diary-We meet at 8pm every 2nd Wednesday of the month at the RAFA club in Oxton (CH43 1UU).

  • 13th January
  • 10th February
  • 14th February Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 28th February Workshop - Gordale
  • 9th March - Monthly meeting - Topic TBC
  • 13th March Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 27th March Workshop - Gordale
  • 13th April - Demonstration - Andy H
  • 17th April Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 24th April Workshop - Gordale
  • 8th May Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 11th May- Monthly meeting - Topic TBC
  • 29th May Workshop - Gordale
  • 4-5th June WBS Flowering Bonsai Show - Port Sunlight GC
  • 8th June - WBS Member trees critique
  • 12th June Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 26th June Workshop - Gordale
  • 10th July Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 13th July- Monthly meeting - Topic TBC
  • 31st July Workshop - Gordale
  • 10th August- WBS Show tree selection
  • 13-14th August - Wirral Flower Show
  • 20th August - Japan Day, Liverpool
  • 27-29th August WBS Annual Show - Gordale
  • 14th September- Monthly meeting - Topic TBC
  • 11th September Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 25th September Workshop - Gordale
  • 9th October Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 12th October- Monthly meeting - Topic TBC
  • 30th October Workshop - Gordale
  • 9th November- Monthly meeting - Topic TBC
  • 13th November Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 26-27th November - Potter Workshop with David Jones (Walsall Studio Ceramics)
  • 27th November Workshop - Gordale
  • 14th December - Club Party


New members are always welcome, just come along to one of our monthly meetings at the RAFA club. You can even 'try us out' for a few months before you decide on joining as an official member. The meetings are informal (there's a bar!) and the club members are (mostly) friendly, approachable and happy to pass on guidance and information to anybody interested in bonsai- whatever your level of experience.