Checking out the wares..
who'll give me........
.....some excellent titles....
...where snapped up.....'what a bargain'.
Hi Everyone
On the 11th of July W-B-S held it's monthly meeting and this time it was a Bonsai and Japanese Garden Book and Magazine Auction
Before for the Auction got under way. Chair Ian W mentioned a few items and forth coming events such as The Local Japan Days in which Natsuko has informed the Society that they are holding 2 Japanese events on 18th August at Wallasey Central Library and on 13th October at Birkenhead Central Library. Both events are held 10.00-12.30 and 14.00-16.00. There is a break in-between This was Discussed and the out-come so far is that 4 members will attend the October 14th Event With the Show only weeks away from the August 18th Japan Day at the moment we are sadly have to decline that event
A reminder that there is a Show Selection of Bonsai trees and we need a far better turn out of Trees that we had Last year even tho we did manage to pull of For me was the BEST Presentation of Bonsai Trees and Accent Plants in my humble opinion that I have had the pleasure of seeing, writing and taking images of.
Well onto the Auction a vast range of W-B-S Library Bonsai Books and Magazines and many from a good Bonsai Samaritan who hand over many books and magazines were under the hammer as the saying goes and All went well with the usual Scouse and Wirral Banter
The Auctioneer Ian got the ball rolling and soon found out what the mood of the members were when bidding started.Like always at every the members dug deep into their pockets and purses
BUT not that deep as the Auctioneer had to hold back a few items because of lack of interest or just maybe he was to ambitious at that time
As the Auction went on Iain like all good Auctioneers had a few sayings he liked to use and the members responded well and often helped.during the auction. With Mark of Green Dragon Bonsai Fame " when Mark was successful with his BID the Auctioneer chipped in with That's a good Book, and Mark knows a good book when he sees one nice pictures as well " Sean also provided light entertainment along with others and the in the end even the passed by books were SOLD at more than the for time round
The evening was huge success and well attended with 26 members and a few new Ladies and Gentleman which we all hoping will be regulars (just was this space) we did have a few members on holiday and working but its great to keep attendances in double figures again
All that remains for me to do is remind you ALL On the the 29th of this Month we have our Last Sunday of the Month Workshop so fell free to attended bring any bonsai Trees and our Trusted members will be more than willing to Thier opinion to help and guide you with any problems you might have with any Bonsai Related Questions
Take care look after
each other and all your Bonsai Trees
Jim thelad