Ian critiques a nice looking Hornbeam (?)
.... plus a tree with potential.
Dave Y talks about his large Larch........
......while the tree wise monkeys ponder......
Hi Everyone
Hope you are all well and
looking after your Bonsai Trees as you never know what tomorrow may bring.
Right on with the news and gossip from our 14th of November Society meeting from the RAFA club in Oxton Wirral Before the evening session got under way Ian our Illustrious Leader reminded members about forth coming events such as the Fantastic Winter Show on Sunday the 24th February 2013 at the Grange Drive Centre, Swindon more info
@ http://swindon-bonsai.co.uk/winter-show/
and the Major British Bonsai Event is The BEST OF BRITISH BONSAI 2013 held at The Birmingham Botanical Gardens & Glasshouses, Edgebaston, Birmingham, UK, on 12th-16th May 2013 as part of Gardeners World Live and more about that can be found as mentioned By our Web-master on the
previous post on Wednesday, 17 October 2012
@ http://www.wirral-bonsai.blogspot.co.uk/2012_10_01_archive.html
Right on with the news and gossip from our 14th of November Society meeting from the RAFA club in Oxton Wirral Before the evening session got under way Ian our Illustrious Leader reminded members about forth coming events such as the Fantastic Winter Show on Sunday the 24th February 2013 at the Grange Drive Centre, Swindon more info
@ http://swindon-bonsai.co.uk/winter-show/
and the Major British Bonsai Event is The BEST OF BRITISH BONSAI 2013 held at The Birmingham Botanical Gardens & Glasshouses, Edgebaston, Birmingham, UK, on 12th-16th May 2013 as part of Gardeners World Live and more about that can be found as mentioned By our Web-master on the
previous post on Wednesday, 17 October 2012
@ http://www.wirral-bonsai.blogspot.co.uk/2012_10_01_archive.html
@ http://www.bbb2013.com/
and an Update of
this event
On with the show as the saying goes or Evening Session, which was a Tree Critique time and was very good with a fair amount of trees brought into the club and we got through 6 Bonsai Trees that were discussed before we ran out of time, The trees belonging to Sean who had a Hornbeam + Dena with her Bonsai Maple + Andy and his English Elm + Brian had a Juniper and a biggie (Large) Larch from Dave Y then the other Tree was a Maple belonging to Phil which allowed Bill G, Ian and Andy to gave their honest opinions and constructive comments on the good,the bad and ugly to the owners plus invite feedback from everyone
For the time being Wirral
Bonsai Society are so sorry announce that there is
NO GGC Workshop for
the foreseeable future at Gordales as in December its time for
Santa and his Reindeer to appear for everyone, and for the next 2 Last Of the Month Sunday
Workshops W-B-S members will be at the Greenhand Garden Center in Port Sunlight Between 10:30 am and 4:30 pm
more info and how to find the Greenhand Garden Center For those who have a Navigation
System the postcode is CH62 5DY and the address Port Sunlight Garden Centre,
The Causeway, Port Sunlight Village, Wirral, Telephone: 0151 645 6244
or @ http://portsunlightgardens.co.uk/contact-us/
Hope to see you there on the 25th of November 2013
Take care,look after each
other all your Bonsai TreesThe Causeway, Port Sunlight Village, Wirral, Telephone: 0151 645 6244
or @ http://portsunlightgardens.co.uk/contact-us/
Hope to see you there on the 25th of November 2013
Jim thelad