Last night saw Terry Foster entertain his audience with a review of his Scots pine that first saw the light of day during a demo at the Bukex exhibition in 2006 (sorry no picture!!!! DOH!!!) Following an introduction Terry started by sitting back down (!) and starting a video of the demo, discussing that he had been persuaded by Tony Tickle to delay working on it for a year. (?)
The quickly improvised 'live' running commentary was interspersed with Q&A's detailing and informing on how & when to do 'things' to your pine. Following a break (when Terry was 'walked through' and asked to comment on a variety of Wirral and Blackpool based trees and yamadori brought to the meeting) the video was concluded and further questions were posed and subsequently answered eloquently by both Terry & Ian.
Thanks to Terry for the visit and to be fair, if it wasn't for the 'pesky' loudspeaker failure you might have got'n away with it*!!
* apologies to Scooby Doo fans!
Thanks to Brian for the (candid) photos!-even if we forgot the pine!!!!
This months site -Bonsai Guide Book in Japan, is a quirky one with some interesting sections, such as the ones that cover :
http://www.shohin-bonsai.org/exhibition/gafu/gafu-32/su-albums/su_albums.cgi?action=make_html&cat=21&txtnumber=log -interesting if you like displaying shohin!!!
One of his (many) well known and exhibited trees (my favourite)
A cracking twin trunk Hawthorn
Terry busy at a 'Burrs weekend' (plus some 'hanger on 'trying to get in on the act!)