- a bonsai calendar; a means of collating the snippets of info given by Ian and others on the timing of 'things' to do to your trees-items to be added as 'revealed'.
- a hit counter -to see if im talking to myself!!
- a bonsai message Board!!
The latter I have added to see if we cant make the blog a bit more 'interactive'-

at present its one way - just me 'blurting' on to you lot.
It has been mentioned that 'comments' to the posts don't work- however I think i've discovered why and rectified the problem. So please give one or both methods of communicating a go (even if you just comment by saying hello on this post).
As I believe someone once said.........
'it's good to talk'
go on.....say hello?
hi ian tried to get in touch with terry but no luck so far keep up the good work
ok Ian, i'll make something up on Terry for the blog- (there's a threat!!)
Hi Ian, at alst I am able to access the comments bit, keep up the good work
free article bonsai
free article bonsai
free article bonsai
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