On the 26th July 2011, W-B-S were invited to attend the 2 day Fun-day at Gordale's Garden Center (GGC) and it was amazing as the GGC was buzzing with many activities for members of the public out to enjoy themselves ,so once again this gave the Society a chance to meet, greet and help many members of the public with anything bonsai.
On Saturday the 9th July 2011 not everyone was able to attend the 2 day event but it was left to Bill G. Doug M (whose wife Christine is a Bonsai widow so i am told ) and of-course our Bonsai Blogspot Master Iain Q, my mentor and advisor for the society site at www.wirral-bonsai.blogspot.com and I am told that all went well on Saturday.
On Saturday the 9th July 2011 not everyone was able to attend the 2 day event but it was left to Bill G. Doug M (whose wife Christine is a Bonsai widow so i am told ) and of-course our Bonsai Blogspot Master Iain Q, my mentor and advisor for the society site at www.wirral-bonsai.blogspot.com and I am told that all went well on Saturday.
On Sunday the 10th July See-No Evil,Hear No-Evil and Say No-Evil in the form of Andy H, Doug M and yours truly The Lad had the pleasure of working on some Bonsai Trees such as Cork Bark Elm, Privets, Potential, Cotoneaster, Juniper, Hornbeam, Acer, Maple, Satsuki and a Chamaectparis plus some other trees
The day started well and it was nice to see so many smiling face as members of the public brought in a few trees and a gentleman who we have help in the past few months returned and we hope will prove to be a regular brought in another ones of his trees this time a Money Tree and it was this time it was Doug M who attended to his worries over his Bonsai Tree
During the afternoon, WBS Members Dee and Ron arrived and we were then able to hand out information Leaflets about the Society which came in handy as many leaflets were taken away and hopefully read.
Doug M, who is already well known for being one of the Foremost Craftsmen of Bonsai Tables and Stands to a very extremely high standard and quality of Detail. (More about Doug Craftsmanship can be found on Bonsai Review.48/1) met and chatted with a Mr Simon Wilson who himself is a fellow Wood Carver and Engraver and you never know Mr Wilson may even see the light and become a member of a Bonsai Club or Society.
It was almost 5pm when it was time to go and we all would like to express our biggest thank-you to the young lady in the Plant Department who looked after us all, treated us extremely well and always had a smile for us working so hard to makes us all welcome and want W-B-S to come back again and again to GGC. Also not forgetting Mr and Mrs Nicholson and all the staff at GGC for their support and inviting us into their establishment and long may it continue.
All that is left for me to say is that the W-B-S Workshop will be on the LAST Sunday of Every MONTH at GGC, hopefully we will see you all there so bring any Bonsai Trees that you may need advice on or just pop-in to see what we are all about.
The day started well and it was nice to see so many smiling face as members of the public brought in a few trees and a gentleman who we have help in the past few months returned and we hope will prove to be a regular brought in another ones of his trees this time a Money Tree and it was this time it was Doug M who attended to his worries over his Bonsai Tree
During the afternoon, WBS Members Dee and Ron arrived and we were then able to hand out information Leaflets about the Society which came in handy as many leaflets were taken away and hopefully read.
Doug M, who is already well known for being one of the Foremost Craftsmen of Bonsai Tables and Stands to a very extremely high standard and quality of Detail. (More about Doug Craftsmanship can be found on Bonsai Review.48/1) met and chatted with a Mr Simon Wilson who himself is a fellow Wood Carver and Engraver and you never know Mr Wilson may even see the light and become a member of a Bonsai Club or Society.
It was almost 5pm when it was time to go and we all would like to express our biggest thank-you to the young lady in the Plant Department who looked after us all, treated us extremely well and always had a smile for us working so hard to makes us all welcome and want W-B-S to come back again and again to GGC. Also not forgetting Mr and Mrs Nicholson and all the staff at GGC for their support and inviting us into their establishment and long may it continue.
All that is left for me to say is that the W-B-S Workshop will be on the LAST Sunday of Every MONTH at GGC, hopefully we will see you all there so bring any Bonsai Trees that you may need advice on or just pop-in to see what we are all about.
Take Care
Jim thelad Look after each other and your Bonsai Trees
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