Monday, 19 December 2011

December meeting-Christmas Social

Ian leads the carol singing...
...while the quiz contestants wait to get their 'starter for 10'
A splendid spread.... as usual.
Bill looks full.... but still takes his plate back for more!!
Hi Everyone

Our Christmas Get-together held on the 14th of December 2011 and it was like "Santa" had arrived 10 days early as Sean D had a large box of Goodies for some members and was busy unpacking them as Sean went down to collected the Hand Made Bonsai Pots that Dena, Steve H, Arthur,and Sean along with other members from V-o-C-B-S made at the week-end workshop so it was delight all round as the members Bonsai Pots were Amazing and it is a Large Thank-you To the V-o-C-B-S for organizing the Ceramic Bonsai Pots week-end and inviting W-B-S to take part.Then it was left to Chairman Ian W welcome every-one to a great night of Excellent Food.a General Knowledge and Bonsai Quiz and with members numbers well into the Mid 20's
Before continuing any further Ian mentioned that Peter B's wife had a mild stroke and that the Society sends best wishes for a speedy recovery and we all wish her well, another bit of sad news is that Willi Benz lost his fight against illness on 10th December.2011.His knowledge of Bonsai and Suiseki was Legendary and was linked to the Development of Bonsai and Suiseki in Europe.and studied with great Japanese Bonsai Masters.also Japan Awarded Him the 'Order of the Rising Sun' (Kyokujitsushō)The Highest Japanese Order, which can be Awarded to Foreigners. and more info can be read here'
or on the IBC: where comments and links have been left by many

The Chairman reminded everyone about the preparation for the Swindon and District Winter Show in which W-B-S has a vested interest in Also that the AGM was next month in January 2012 and there's a vacancy for Vice-Chair so volunteers are most welcomed then it was on the Quiz

Members were split into groups and needless to say that the humour was flowing from the First Question and during the evening with everyone seemly enjoying themselves There was a break for the Buffet which was excellently prepared and set up by the Members Wife's and Lady Members of our Society and it ALL tasted wonderful so another BIG Congratulation to ALL for such an enjoyable Feast

There were a few (well 3) Bonsai Tree in the room An Escallonia belong to Ian W another Small Escallonia belonging to Andy H plus His Black Pine

During the break Sean D did a great job encouraging everyone to get involved in buying Raffle Tickets assisted by Christine M.both of them ensuring that Everyone got a Prize from the large selection that was available so much so no-one went home empty handed

After the Break it was back to the Quiz this time as the saying goes "THE RESULT" there were 50 question on General Knowledge with a few Bonsai Questions thrown in needless to say not everyone got the lot or even all the Bonsai Question Correct ( think we will put that down to The Liquid Refreshment) but Dave B, Kath. Andy H and Mark K came up trumps as Winners of the Quiz so a Large Congratulations to them but everyone regardless of winners really enjoyed the evening and remained around a while chatting and putting the Rest of the Bonsai World to right along lots of laughter then hands shakes wishing each other a WONDERFUL TIME FOR CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR

On that note all that remains from is to Thank Everyone whom attended W-B-S Last Sunday Of The Month Workshop and that we will be back in January 2012 and look forward to having the pleasure of your company along with Your Own Bonsai Tree for member help and guidance

From us All a Large Thank-you for Looking and Reading our Blog, leaving comments we ALL WISH Everyone a Wonderful Holiday's, Merry Christmas. a Prosperous and Happy New Year for 2012

Take Care Look after yourself and each other plus Your Bonsai Trees, Accents Plants including Everything Bonsai

Jim thelad

Monday, 5 December 2011

November Gordale workshop

Lots of interest.
you haven't seen me..... right!
Andy examines an interesting tree/pot combination....
.....while Ian checks out the tree belonging to the camera shy couple

Hi Everyone,

It was the Final W-B-S Monthly Workshop of the year on Sunday the 27thNovember 2011 at Gordale’s the very popular and well knowing Award Winning Garden Center here on the Wirral Peninsula

After slow start to the day and a few regulars unable to attend W-B-S Members Andy H, Tom, Steve H, Arthur, Sean D, Doug M and Ian W, were all in fine form cracking jokes enjoying each other’s company and were soon in action working on various Bonsai Trees with Juniper’s, (Seven (7) in all) proving to being the most popular Bonsai Tree of the day, along with a Large Maple and Small Azalea

With the Presence of a World Wide Well Known and an Extremely Generous Gentleman in a Big Red Suit, Red Hat, Wide Black Belt ,Black Boots and White Beard, also the GGC was well and truly in the Christmas Spirit as the whole garden center was showing an excellent and wonderful display’s of Decorated Christmas Trees and an good variety of Bonsai Trees plus an Extensive range of Christmas Items for all to see and purchase so it was a packed day and W-B-S members were in the front line so to speak with many Children an Adult’s passing our workshop tables on the way to and from visiting Santa’s Grotto

During the day there were lots of interest shown from the Public, many stopped, watched and asked questions as to what was going on and Arthur, Tom, Andy and Steve, getting involved answering and explaining question’s to many people who were either Intrigue, Curious, Interested or just Plain Nosy as one Honest Lady proudly said to which her friends readily agreed with her. Sean how-ever was kept busy between helping Tom with his Tree and shown his “Jin” Skills when working on his own Bonsai Tree as various people stopped at different times during the day, Sean was explaining why and what he was doing to his Bonsai Tree as some asked if the tree would be affected in anyway or would the tree DIE because of what Sean was doing to it. In between everything Proud Sean decided to “Bore the Living Daylights out of everyone (joking of-course) by showing members images of his First Grand-daughter a few weeks old ,as was said His own Little Mane, so needless to say there were a few aaaahhhh’s, What a Beautiful Little Girl, She so sweet and isn’t she Cute and lots nice comments after seeing the image of Sean’s Beautiful Grand-Daughter proving Bonsai Members appreciate all things beautiful, then it was back to another one of Sean’s loves working on his Bonsai Trees

Our Mysterious Couple arrived and who have been regular attendee’s at our Sunday Workshops, brought in another one of their excellent Trees to seek guidance and opinions on what’s the best way forward, also arrived their close Friend and possible Minder!!!! who himself is an extremely keen observer and is fascinated by the work that is done by Bonsai members to achieve in making a Garden Tree into a Bonsai Tree of some distinction or even into a Specimen Bonsai Tree

The Tree that they brought in this time was a LARGE Juniper which could be a contender (subject to more work) for honours at any Club or even National Show in the future The Couple are extremely camera shy hence lack of images of them with their Bonsai Tree or Trees. We are hopeful of ALL Three will pay our Society a visit soon and try us for a few months then become Full Members The couple were given sound opinions and constructive comments from Chairman Ian, Doug and Andy and the owner’s voiced their own suggestions, opinions and interacted with everyone in the group which was great to hear and see, in the end the Camera Shy Couple along with their Friend collected their Juniper and went away happy and here’s looking forward to seeing them again in the New Year 2012 either at the GGC’s Last Sunday of The Month Workshop in January or at W-B-S Club Second Wednesday of the Month Meetings

Mr. Nicholson Owner of Gordale’s Garden Center took time out of his busy and important schedule to stop and chat with members and ALL of us at W-B-S would like to express a Massive Large Thank-you to Everyone at GGC for making us all welcomed and for their Hospitality and use of the Garden Centre during 2011 and look forward to continuing with The Last Sunday of The Month Bonsai Workshops during 2012

Arthur and Tom did the tidying and cleaning our workshop area when it was time to call it a day and bring another well supported and pleasurable Workshop to a close for this year, so on behalf of All W–B-S Members we as a Society would like to thank Everyone who took time to stop to see our Bonsai Workshop in action and to those who sought our help with anything Bonsai during 2011 and we all look forward to being back at GGC during 2012

Just a Reminder many images from our Last Sunday of the Month Workshop Day on 27th November 2011 will be on the Wirral Bonsai Facebook, also there is NO LAST SUNDAY of the MONTH WORKSHOP IN DECEMBER 2011 but we will return in January 2012

Take care and look after each other and all your Bonsai Trees

Jim thelad


Hello and welcome to the Wirral Bonsai Society Blog - an ongoing diary & newsletter highlighting the adventures of the society & its members

Society Diary-We meet at 8pm every 2nd Wednesday of the month at the RAFA club in Oxton (CH43 1UU).

  • 13th January
  • 10th February
  • 14th February Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 28th February Workshop - Gordale
  • 9th March - Monthly meeting - Topic TBC
  • 13th March Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 27th March Workshop - Gordale
  • 13th April - Demonstration - Andy H
  • 17th April Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 24th April Workshop - Gordale
  • 8th May Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 11th May- Monthly meeting - Topic TBC
  • 29th May Workshop - Gordale
  • 4-5th June WBS Flowering Bonsai Show - Port Sunlight GC
  • 8th June - WBS Member trees critique
  • 12th June Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 26th June Workshop - Gordale
  • 10th July Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 13th July- Monthly meeting - Topic TBC
  • 31st July Workshop - Gordale
  • 10th August- WBS Show tree selection
  • 13-14th August - Wirral Flower Show
  • 20th August - Japan Day, Liverpool
  • 27-29th August WBS Annual Show - Gordale
  • 14th September- Monthly meeting - Topic TBC
  • 11th September Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 25th September Workshop - Gordale
  • 9th October Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 12th October- Monthly meeting - Topic TBC
  • 30th October Workshop - Gordale
  • 9th November- Monthly meeting - Topic TBC
  • 13th November Workshop - Port Sunlight GC
  • 26-27th November - Potter Workshop with David Jones (Walsall Studio Ceramics)
  • 27th November Workshop - Gordale
  • 14th December - Club Party


New members are always welcome, just come along to one of our monthly meetings at the RAFA club. You can even 'try us out' for a few months before you decide on joining as an official member. The meetings are informal (there's a bar!) and the club members are (mostly) friendly, approachable and happy to pass on guidance and information to anybody interested in bonsai- whatever your level of experience.