Wednesday's get-together was the Penultimate meeting before the W-B-S Annual Show to be held at Gordales Garden Center on the 13th /14th of August 2011 so now the countdown begins with 30 Days to go before the show, how-ever before that, we have the next meeting on the Wednesday 10th August then followed by 2 days (Thursday and Friday) setting up.the display arena so it will be ALL hands to the Pump as a few members would say to make our Annual Club Bonsai Show a Success like it has done in past years and in the Future
Due to Holidays,Family and Work commitments it was Andy H who was the Lord and Master for the Evening with help from Tony, Doug and Sean D to get the session under way During Andy's Speech he echoed the committee's view of trying to have NEW TREES on display this year and Andy has urged members to take full advantage of the Last Sunday of this Month 31st of July's 2011 Workshop at GGC to work on their trees for the Display show Plus asked members to do their best to use the last Sunday of the month Workshop's as there will be NO MORE WORKSHOP Held on our Wednesday night meeting due to the time factor ( just over 2 hours per night) and space to really work on our trees
Andy also mentioned messages were left on the message board it was a request from Natsuki Isa at Wallasey Central Library and was on the message board but in-case anyone has missed them this is was written to the Blog on 7thJuly 2011
There will be an event, Japanese Day, held in Wallasey Central Library on 20th August. That'd be great if you could share your Bonsai works and do some workshop
Please contact me if you are by any chance interested in taking part in the event. By the way, the photos on your website reminds me of my grand mother's in Japan♪ Thanks
(our Blog master Iain Q must be congratulated for the Sterlin work that he does with W-B-S Blogspot so from me keep up the great work " Mentor and Boss" )
Natsuki was sent mail some are waiting to hear what the outcome is
The main topic of the evening was getting trees ready for the show next month and discussing the details about the set-up and dis-mantling of equipment,packing putting everything away and cleaning the area we used. Even though Dave Y was unable to attend (Holidays AGAIN) it was put forward his suggestion that we stick to the same Routine we used last year as everyone who was there knows it worked so well and was so Successful
Due to Holidays,Family and Work commitments it was Andy H who was the Lord and Master for the Evening with help from Tony, Doug and Sean D to get the session under way During Andy's Speech he echoed the committee's view of trying to have NEW TREES on display this year and Andy has urged members to take full advantage of the Last Sunday of this Month 31st of July's 2011 Workshop at GGC to work on their trees for the Display show Plus asked members to do their best to use the last Sunday of the month Workshop's as there will be NO MORE WORKSHOP Held on our Wednesday night meeting due to the time factor ( just over 2 hours per night) and space to really work on our trees
Andy also mentioned messages were left on the message board it was a request from Natsuki Isa at Wallasey Central Library and was on the message board but in-case anyone has missed them this is was written to the Blog on 7thJuly 2011
There will be an event, Japanese Day, held in Wallasey Central Library on 20th August. That'd be great if you could share your Bonsai works and do some workshop
Please contact me if you are by any chance interested in taking part in the event. By the way, the photos on your website reminds me of my grand mother's in Japan♪ Thanks
(our Blog master Iain Q must be congratulated for the Sterlin work that he does with W-B-S Blogspot so from me keep up the great work " Mentor and Boss" )
Natsuki was sent mail some are waiting to hear what the outcome is
The main topic of the evening was getting trees ready for the show next month and discussing the details about the set-up and dis-mantling of equipment,packing putting everything away and cleaning the area we used. Even though Dave Y was unable to attend (Holidays AGAIN) it was put forward his suggestion that we stick to the same Routine we used last year as everyone who was there knows it worked so well and was so Successful

There was NO Tree Of The Month and the trees that were on display were a few Korean Hornbeans. Potentilla, Japanese Honeysuckle. Pyracantha Tree ( was nicknamed "The Cauliflower Tree" and Sean D brought in some beautiful display tables he brought back for Malaysia recently and an Accent plant
That's it for now take care and look after all your bonsai trees
Jim thelad